Kristen Beesley, PhD LP

clinical psychologist & psychoanalyst

Curriculum Vitae

Licensed Psychologist in the State of Michigan

Education & Training

Michigan Psychoanalytic Institute
Certificate in Adult Psychoanalysis 

University of Detroit Mercy
PhD in Clinical Psychology

University of Detroit Mercy
MA in Clinical Psychology


March 21 and April 11, 2021 
Host and Moderator
Our Meanings of “Othering” In a World of Historical, Social, Cultural and Race-based Stress, Trauma, Inequity a Self Study with Paula Kliger, PhD ABPP as Presenter
Mel Bornstein Clinic for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy

November 28, 2020
Panel Member
Whiteness, White Fragility and Racialized Enactments in Psychotherapy 
Kristen Beesley, PhD, Robin Rayford, MA and Jane Hassinger, LCSW
Presentation for the Michigan Psychoanalytic Society


Psychology Today
Who Me? Worried I’ll Get the Virus?

Psychology Today
The Coronavirus Pandemic Can Evoke Memories From Our Past

Professional Affiliations & Memberships

(APsaA) American Psychoanalytic Association
APsaA Committee for Public Information 

(MPI) Michigan Psychoanalytic Institute

(MPS) Michigan Psychoanalytic Society
MPS Psychoanalytic Collective (a group dedicated to dismantling systemic racism in psychoanalytic institutions and in the practice of psychoanalysis

(APA) American Psychological Association
APA Division 39 (Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychology)




Women’s Issues     

Emerging Adults     

Mother and Daughter Relationships     

Pregnancy and Postpartum     


Social Justice